xx: judgement

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Next: xxi_the_world


A massive cloud of blue and grey smoke appears in the sky and splits open, revealing the face of an archangel and his apocalyptic horn. In the moment before the blast is sounded and shakes the universe to its core, there is enough time to reflect. Judgement is unavoidable, a certainty. Everyone who lives in this world will someday be called upon to change form and join the epic unknown emptiness of the spiritual plane. Beneath the archangel, in the physical world, a family is celebrating. A woman, a man and their baby frolic in the grass. They look up to the ominous presence in the sky with joy as they are about to experience a new birth, a giant leap into a new world. Judgement teaches us acceptance—not so much the acceptance of one's own fate, but the acceptance that the immortal archangel shows all people. As he blows the horn and resonates the air, his voice sings: everyone is welcome in Heaven. Judgement is the only card in The Handshake Tarot that contains the capital letter G. The archangel's cloud is vaporized from another dimension and enters our world with impossible properties.

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The auction for xx_judgement will begin:
  Thu, 17 Mar 2022 12:00:00 UTC
The opening price for all Handshake Tarot auctions is:
  100,000 HNS
The price drops every SIX HOURS until stopping at the reserve price of:
  600 HNS

At least 50% of all auction proceeds from The Handshake Tarot will be donated to the HNS Development Fund to promote creative content on Handshake domain names.

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